As some of you may have noticed, I haven’t updated this weblog for a while. A lot has happened since. I entered a writing competition, where I didn’t make the last 30, but I did discover how much I enjoyed it to write my little stories in Dutch again. How much easier I could play with words, that could stop time and write a ‘slow’ story about it. So I started a Dutch weblog about a month ago: I know that most of you can’t read that blog. I wish I could write those things in English as well, but that’s something for the future. But I will update this weblog irregularly. I promise ;)
Oh btw!
Elfje finally got her babydeer! The ubercute babytree and a walking pink flower joined my pet collection and got me to the number of 75 pets!
And I did get the mount from Hc MGT at elfje, the chocobo, the beautiful white bird. My guildie, who lost the roll from me, almost killed me.. But it’s worth it!
vrijdag 15 mei 2009
vrijdag 17 april 2009
Prrrr Prrrr

Imagine you are that girl and then try to imagine her in a Demolisher during the first boss fight in Ulduar. Imagine even harder. Naah not even close. Try harder. You fail.
I failed as well. That big rusty masculine Demolisher couldn't exactly make me happy. I hated it. My first 25-man Ulduar started painfully. Yes. I will be very happy if I never ever have to drive a Demolisher again. But I guess I don't really have a choice, so next time I will keep myself happy! Be prepared my lovely guildies, because this will fill our ears at teamspeak during the whole fight.
And you know that you want to sing along <3
woensdag 15 april 2009
About 2 hours left
This is a day that I should love because it brings me new things, but those new things bring me trouble aswell: Like waiting hours for the download to finish, (60 minutes = 40%) and the fact that my addons won't work after, which means that I have to find out all over again how to get the right addons and how installing it works. I am not great with computers. All the teachers that tried to teach me things like flash, dreamweaver and HTML will nod sad now. Once I actually did something right, the teacher that stood already behind me to help, saw that I succeded myself, walked away and said to himself: 'So she is actually not that stupid'.
Which he didn't mean to say out loud. I hope.
Which he didn't mean to say out loud. I hope.
maandag 13 april 2009
Snaaaaaarly <3

It sounds to cute! Snarly makes me think of Charlie the Unicorn, so gonna name this cutiepie Snarly Charlie. Snarly Charlie is number 69, so he will make lots of friends and his fellow babycrocs Muckbreath and Chuck will be very happy to share their buckets with him! (you know sleepovers)
Some silly puppet looted a Oozeling today and put it on auction house for 10.000 gold :( He is to lucky! I have looted about 300 bags which could contain the Oozeling, but let's not talk about it anymore. It hurts to much :'(
Oh and: Happy 2nd Easterday!
zondag 12 april 2009
Happy Easter!
Happy Easter!
That's all? Yes that's all, but if you insist:
Principessa dinged 70 and is now the happy owner of a phoenix pet!
Happy easter!
That's all? Yes that's all, but if you insist:
Principessa dinged 70 and is now the happy owner of a phoenix pet!
Happy easter!
vrijdag 10 april 2009
Tok tok yay!

But then the hard part started. How to name my cute little rusty pet? I named so many pets that there are hardly any nice names left. Someone suggested to call it 'Pink' but thats the name for my Cobra Hatchling and they are all individuals ofc, so can't name them the same. You don't want a Mechanical Chicken and a Cobra Hatchling to start a fight because of a name. Then they came up with 'Pinkie'.. Eh hello that's the cute nickname for 'Pink' the Cobra Hatchling. They really didn't get my point..
But then someone saw the light! Or he didn't. How should I know? I mean I am like a lot of miles away ( I hope), but anyway he said: Call it 'Irony'! So my rusty Chicken is now called 'Irony' <3
What's in a name..
woensdag 8 april 2009

'Follow the blue square!' Sounds pretty safe, but how will you do that, when you can't see a thing?
I always try to move left, when to others move left, but then I don't feel safe about my spot and move more to the left, then I realise that I can see things when I don't need to see things, so I move back while the others are again moving to the left, which leaves me to the right of them, so I fly back to the left, but then I feel insecure again and so on and so on..
A few strange things happend aswell: I rolled 94 for an uncontested item, so I did win an epic, but the most confusing part was the conversation between some males about some other males sword.. My favorite part was when we created a new nickname for a guildie: Ambobo! <3
Ring ring..
maandag 6 april 2009

Oh I can't wait to get it! All the other pets which will be added in the next patchare cute aswell,but this is the pet that's to good to be true.
*begs Bliz to release the patch*
/ puppyeyes
zondag 5 april 2009

Ding! Principessa is a level 68 shadowpriest now: yay! Still not looking forward to Northrend so she is growing up in Netherstorm now. (Love it that Netherstorm is so purple)
Went on Elfje to Zula'man with my lovely guildies in a try to get the Mojo frog. And guess what! I was unlucky again! (yes no happy end today) Got my hands on 3 Amani Hex stick, but they gave me food, a charm and another charm, very charming but I rather have a pet!
zaterdag 4 april 2009
New mount :)

Just discovered one minor thing at the puppet! It's big!! I am used to my lovely small purple flying form and on that drake I feel like I will break everything that gets in my way. They should invent a drivers(?) license for big vehicles like this and make it pink. Yes pink. Hmm wish they had a pink drake.
donderdag 2 april 2009

<3 I spotted this lovely rabbit somewhere today! Its pink! A pink Easter bunny :D I love it! So I got finally prove that Bliz likes me! Its so cute! To bad that I heard aswell that the reward pet will be like snowshoe, cute aswell, but not pink :(
Ah well I keep praying for my pink flying sheep mount!
woensdag 1 april 2009
Pimp my mount
I would love to thank my guildies for my increasing number of critter kills, since it's a sport for them to kill as much critters as possible while being in group with me 'They sound cute when they die' is the main excuse for some.. But I got to love critters and collect vanity pets, got 67 atm.
Love being told a story or to hear someone sing on ts. But I love telling stories myself aswell so that will be the use of this blog. Stories about a fairy called Elfje.
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